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Three Girls


The Sonrise Christian Preschool behavior and discipline policy establishes a safe environment that is conducive to learning.

Any behavior that causes safety risks must be addressed immediately. Positive behavior will be reinforced with encouragement and praise. All inappropriate behavior will be corrected immediately. Unacceptable behavior includes fighting, hitting, kicking or rough play; obscene or vulgar language; deliberate disobedience or disrespect to any adult; damaging property; leaving the classroom or playground without permission; and lack of cooperation. Many of these interruptions are the perfect opportunity to teach and equip children to make positive choices. We may request to have a specialist from Project Challenge come into the classroom to observe children who exhibit mild to moderate behavioral challenges. The goal of this innovative program is to help children succeed in the preschool setting by supporting parents and our staff in developing positive techniques to address behavioral challenges. See the
preschool administrators for further information.

We use positive behavioral supports, redirecting behavior and providing alternatives. We
guide the children toward acceptable actions and words rather than focusing on the “don’ts.”
They are instructed on ways to solve their problems and conflicts using words rather than
hurting others. No child will be subjected to discipline which is severe, humiliating or
frightening, or associated with food, rest or toileting. Spanking or any other physical
punishment is prohibited. If necessary, a teacher will remove a child from a situation to help
them consider better choices. The goal of any necessary “discipline” or guidance at the
preschool is to promote life-long self-control and self-discipline in children. We want children
to learn to make appropriate choices for themselves and not to rely on adults to control their behavior for them. In accordance with our goals of discipline, we utilize supportive and fair discipline techniques that help children acknowledge the behavior, make choices about the solution and be responsible for consequences. We recognize that this is a process. Our character education program is designed to intentionally instruct children to give them the skills to make friends, solve conflicts, recognize good choices and become caring, empathic people.

Violent behavior such as excessive hitting, kicking and fighting will not be tolerated. Every effort will be made to restore a child and help them make better choices and to solve problems in nonviolent ways. We take into account the age and development of the child and make as many interventions as possible to help the child learn to make choices that do not hurt others. Conferences will be held with parents to work cooperatively to resolve problems and support change. However, we reserve the option to dismiss any child due to behavior, which disrupts the learning process of the class or threatens the safety and well-being of other children and/or staff members.

Expulsion Policy
Unfortunately, there are sometimes reasons we have to expel a child from our program either on a short term or permanent basis. We want you to know that we will do everything possible to work with the family of the child(ren) in order to prevent this policy from being enforced.  The following are reasons we may have to expel or suspend a child from this preschool:

Immediate Causes for Expulsion
• The child is at risk for causing serious injury to other children or him/herself
• Parent threatens physical or intimidating actions towards staff members
• Parents exhibit verbal abuse to staff in front of enrolled children.

Parental Actions for Child’s Expulsion
• Failure to pay/ habitual lateness in payments
• Habitual tardiness when picking up
• Verbal abuse towards staff

Child’s Actions for Expulsion
• Uncontrollable tantrums/angry outbursts
• Ongoing physical or verbal abuse to staff or other children

Prior to expulsion, a parent will be called, and correspondence will be sent home indicating what the problem is. Every effort will be made to correct the problem. If the behavior causes risk to other children’s welfare or safety, and behavior does not improve, the preschool may find that they can no longer accommodate the child. In this situation, you will have to find alternative care for your child.


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