At Sonrise Christian Preschool the health and safety of each child is of utmost importance and is reflected in our comprehensive health policy.
Do not send your child to school if your child is ill or has a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rash, severe sore throat, discolored nasal discharge or bad cough. If your child has a fever of 100.4 at school, we will call you to pick your child up and they will need to remain home until they are symptom/fever free for 24 hours or if you have a doctor’s note stating they may return. Staying at home when sick will help your child get well and protect classmates. If your child has a communicable illness, please notify the school so that we can release that information to the other families. Every effort is made on our part to prevent the spread of illnesses. Toys
and surfaces are regularly treated with germicide.
In the event that your child is identified as having lice your child will not be permitted to return until the following day after an approved treatment. Verification of treatment may include a product box, box top, empty bottle, or signed statement from custodial parent or
legal guardian that treatment has occurred. Upon returning to school your child will be checked for lice as well as nits that may be left in the hair. If nits or live lice are found, you will need to take your child home to re-treat. Sonrise will be responsible for treating
preschool toys, furnishing, equipment, or any other items in which the child may have been in contact with.
In the event of an accident or injury, the director, teacher, or other competent person will
administer first aid and, if appropriate, call the paramedics and notify the parents. An
accident report will be sent home with the child for all injuries requiring first aid. If the parents
cannot be reached, and the child has to be transported to the hospital, the director or teacher
will accompany them.
In the event that your child experiences a health emergency and the supervising adult
considers it necessary to contact the paramedics, parents will be financially liable for all
emergency service costs.
All staff members are trained in CPR and Basic First Aid. A First Aid kit containing all the materials required by the license board is available in the classroom as well as the office. All staff members are required to attend CPR and Basic First Aid training. If a minor injury occurs the staff will treat it and an accident report will be filled out that will need to be signed by the person picking your child up that day. License Board regulations limit First Aid provided at the school to the use of soap, water, ice and bandages for small injuries. In the case of more serious injuries or injuries to the head and face, parents will be notified.
It is always best if you can administer medication or sunscreen in the morning so you can avoid bringing it to school, but in the event it is necessary, prescription medications may be administered by designated staff members. A Medication Form needs to be completed and signed by a parent before we can administer the medication. License board requires that two to three staff members be trained by the parent on how the medication is to be administered. Please give all medication to the preschool administrator or teacher for proper storage. Never send medication to school in your child’s tote or pocket and never store medication in his/her cubby. For prescribed medications, give the preschool administrator the medicine in its original box, labeled by a pharmacist with your child’s name, the prescription date, the name of the medication, its expiration date, administration, storage and disposal instructions.
No medication can be accepted without its original box. This is a license board regulation and cannot be waived. Please do not send hand sanitizer, lotion, Chap Stick, sunscreen, cough drops or any other item that says keep out of reach of children. It is a violation of license board rules and could result in a fine for the preschool.
Please make sure both the teacher and preschool administrator are aware of any and all allergies your child may have so that we may take the proper precautions. If an Epi Pen is required, please notify the office as well as the teachers.